Welcome to Department of  Economics

General Information:-
The Department of Economics is one of the important department in the college. It established in 1960 with objective of imparting the quality education. M. A. Economics started in 1998. The department of economics is offered three year B. A. (Economics) programme and Two year M. A. (Economics) programme. The department is engaged with student centric activities like Industrial visit, Bank visit, Field survey, Business activities etc. The department also organize National, International seminar and workshop for faculty member and students. The department is encouraged the student by organizing co-curriculum and extra-curricular activities.
The department believes in teaching economic theory and applying it to the day to day issues to understand the intricacies of economic life.

Course offered



FYBA (Genral) 240
SYBA (Special) 60
TYBA (Special) 60
M.A. Part -I 60
M.A. Part -II 60



1. Dr. Ramesh Desai Head & Assistant Professor M.A. M.Phil, Ph.D CV
2. Dr. S. P. Shende Associate Professor M. A. , M. Phil, Ph. D CV
3. Asst. Prof. B. B. Jadhav Assistant Professor M. A., NET Economics CV
4. Dr. D. B Gaikwad Assistant Professor M. A., M. Phil, Ph. D CV
5. Mr. N. V. Bacchewar   Assistant Professor M. A., SET. Economics CV
Sr. No.  Semester wise Course Structure View/ Download
1. FYBA View
2. SYBA View
3. TYBA View
4. M.A. View

Departmental Facilities
1. Departmental Library
2. Computer with internet and printing facilities
3. Magazines: Economic and political weekly (EPW), Arthasawad.


Name of the Faculty With ISSN/ISBN Without ISSN/ISBN Total Attended/Presented/ International/National/ State/local



Books with ISBN
Dr. R. S. Desai 24 19 43 19 70,000 03
Dr. S. P. Shende 21 28 49 49 00 00
Asst. Prof. B. B. Jadhav 04 00 00 00 00 00
Dr. D. B. Gaikwad 04 02 06 06 00 00
Asst. Prof. N.V. Bacchewar 01 02 03 03 00 00

 Group Discussion 
Conference/Workshop/Seminar: SET/NET Workshop, State and National level Conference